Jakey Jay

Release Date: June 26, 2014

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Jakey Jay. Musician/DJ/Producer.

Jakey has been involved with the music industry for many years, in fact his time in the business spans 4 decades (yes he’s getting on a bit) and in that time has played and listened to may different genres of music.

He has toured with acts in varying roles such as Madness/Imagination/The Farm to name but a few. One of his own bands was HIGHER GROUND along side STEVE SMITH(Dirty Vegas) and DJ ANDY NICHOLLS. He was also one of the production team behind the infamous FASCINATION alldayers at the now sadly gone Downham Tavern in Southeast London, and at some point in this time has played around the world and DJ’d from one end of the country to the other.

That being said he now finds that his love in music is all things HOUSE .So that’s what he does right here on Cruise Playing soulful/ uplifting/ funky and sometimes downright dirty pumping HOUSE. Enjoy…..

If you would like to hire one of our professional DJ’s for your club, event, exhibition, opening, product launch for both music and voice work do not hesitate to call us on (0044) 07947 308326 and make your query known with dates and details of your needs and then your occasion can share in the professional services that all our team supply for live PA, MC and music events.

March 2025
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